MPBC Empowering Ministries Mission: To develop people from the cradle to the grave through spiritual teaching, education, and training to empower them to do the will of God and enjoy the abundant life Jesus Christ promises.
CONNECT…people to their Creator. We believe that people are made to be in a personal relationship with the God who created them, through the person of Jesus Christ.
CAUSE…that people would find a purpose worth living for and dying for. We believe people are made to participate with God in changing the world and impacting eternity.
COMMUNITY…provides people with genuine relationships that result in a life change. We believe people are made with the need for an authentic relationship with other people.
MPBC Empowering Ministries is God’s House —where you can feel free to worship as the Holy Sprit leads. MP is a place were strangers need not feel strange where everyone is someone in this house of the Lord.