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This message is dealing with the relationship between God and His people. In Ezekiel 37:1-12, God speaks to Ezekiel about the state of His people by comparing them to a Valley of Dry Bones, because they had turn away from God to worship idol gods. God asked Ezekiel whether the dry bones could live again and Ezekiel told the Lord that He was the only one who knows whether the dry bones could live again. God told Ezekiel to prophecy to the dry bones. In other words, speak the Word of God to them and they will live again. Many people have wonder away from God for one reason or another; these verses of scriptures are reminders that our relationship with God can be renewed-if we position ourselves to hear the Word of God and obey it. God is always waiting on us to repent, receive His Word and obey it that our relationship with Him can be renewed.