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Sometimes life is like a rollercoaster moving at a rapid pace with sudden turns and unexpected dips. There are things that happen in life sometimes that you and I have control over and certain that happen in life in which you and I have no control. For example, you woke up and the sun is shining or you wake and it is raining. You and I have to make decision based upon what is going on. In life, we make good decisions and bad decisions. But the one thing everyone under the sound of my voice has in common-is that life goes on no matter what happens. For example, some people really think that they need more money – But actually they need to learn how to manage the money God’s bless them with. Matthew 25:23 – “His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.”
There comes a time that you have to get beyond what has happen to work on what you want to happen. The enemy may have taken things from you in the past, but it is time to go and take our stuff back-it belongs to you.